Teacher Certification
There are a few items that need to be completed prior to the submission of your teaching application to PDE. Many of these items will happen in your last course, ED 411 Professional Seminar.
- You will need to successfully complete your student teaching practicum with a Satisfactory or higher rating.
- You will need to complete your electronic portfolio and provide the link to the Certification Officer.
- You will need to pass all relevant Praxis/PECT (Praxis II/Pearson) licensure exams.
- You will need to complete an application for certification in the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) and pay the respective fees charged by PDE.
- You will need to schedule an exit interview with the College's Certification Officer who will verify that you have successfully completed all the necessary items needed for certification. Once everything is in place, the Certification Officer will submit the certification application that you completed to PDE. You will then wait several weeks before PDE reviews and approves your application and issues you a certification.
- While waiting for your certification from PDE, you can request a placeholder letter here.
Certification Officer
Dr. Tracy A. McNelly
Assistant Professor, Education Department
[email protected]
Dr. Tracy A. McNelly
Assistant Professor, Education Department
[email protected]