Dr. Jennifer Buxton

Education Department
Title(s): Assistant Professor
Office: Prep Hall, Ground Floor
Phone: 724-805-2151
Email: [email protected]
Biography: Dr. Jennifer Buxton is and Assistant Professor in the Education Department at Saint Vincent College. She teaches courses in special education and serves as a student teaching supervisor. Her main research interests are special education, English Language Learners, and literacy – specifically reading comprehension instruction. Dr. Buxton has presented at several state and national conferences. She received her Ph.D. in Research Methodology, Special Education, and Educational Psychology from George Mason University. She has prior experience teaching at both the elementary and collegiate levels.
Title(s): Assistant Professor
Office: Prep Hall, Ground Floor
Phone: 724-805-2151
Email: [email protected]
Biography: Dr. Jennifer Buxton is and Assistant Professor in the Education Department at Saint Vincent College. She teaches courses in special education and serves as a student teaching supervisor. Her main research interests are special education, English Language Learners, and literacy – specifically reading comprehension instruction. Dr. Buxton has presented at several state and national conferences. She received her Ph.D. in Research Methodology, Special Education, and Educational Psychology from George Mason University. She has prior experience teaching at both the elementary and collegiate levels.
Ph.D. in Research Methodology, Special Education, & Educational Psychology George Mason University 2017 MS Ed. in Elementary Education Duquesne University 2001 BA in Psychology Duquesne University 2000 Virginia Collegiate Professional Licensure – Highly Qualified PA Elementary PK-6 (in progress) PA Special Education K-6 (in progress) Current Courses ED 208 – Classroom Partnerships and Inclusion ED 290 – Psychology and Education for Exceptional Students ED 355 – Instructional Interventions for Students with High Incidence Disabilities Publications Buxton, J. (2017). An investigation of the relationships among high school students’ reading comprehension strategy instruction, strategy use, attitudes, and achievement (Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database. (UMI No. 10686076). National and State Presentations Horton, L., & Buxton, J. (2012, April). Reading strategies used with English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities. Presented at The Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Denver, CO. Buxton, J. & Horton, L. (2012, January). A social communication and reciprocal play intervention for those with communication deficits. Poster session presented at the Applied Behavior Analysis International Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Horton, L. & Buxton, J. (2011, November). Literacy instruction for English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities. Presented at The Virginia Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Lynchburg, VA. Maxwell, J., Buxton, J., Ortel, J., Ohanian, M., Power, L. (2011, October). ‘Identity memos’ as a way to connect student’s scholarship to their past experiences. Panel presentation at George Mason University Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, Fairfax, Virginia. Buxton, J., & Horton, L. (2011, April). Reading with PALS: Meta-analysis of PALS interventions for At-Risk and Learning Disabled students. Poster session presented at The Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Washington, D.C. Horton, L., & Buxton, J. (2011, April). Reading strategies used with English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities. Poster session presented at The Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Washington, D.C. Buxton, J., Horton, L., Hott, B., & Jenkins, M. (2010, November). How to implement self-management strategies to improve on-task behaviors. Presented at The Council for Learning Disabilities Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. |