PK-12 SPECIAL EDUCATION Certification (Graduate Specialization)
In order to permit returning certified teachers to earn an additional certificate in PK-12 special education, students can enroll in a graduate program of choice and take the necessary graduate and post-baccalaureate courses. In some cases, a transcript audit will be necessary to make sure the student will qualify for the additional certification. Students should work closely with their advisor to ensure that they are meeting all requirements. Having this certification with a graduate degree will advance students in careers related to special education teaching and learning.
Only five courses (15 credits) to complete this certification if all necessary prerequisites are complete*:
- ED 360 Multiple Assessment and strategies for significant disabilities
- ED 362 Classroom Approaches for Students Behavioral Autism
- GCSE 617 Diagnosis and Evaluation/High Incidence Disabilities (355)
- GCSE 737 Special Education Law and Ethics (412)
- GCSE 707 Internship in Special Education (413)
*Graduate special education PK-12 post- baccalaureate is for already certified teachers that desire to add PDE certification in special education. Candidates desiring to earn their PK-12 Special Education as a first-time certification will need to meet with their advisor to identify other initial prerequisite requirements.
Recommended: Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction with PK-12 Special Education Certification
M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction (30 credits) + Special Education Certification* (36 credits total)
Required degree credits (21)
GCED 600 Educational Leadership
GCED 605 Statistics and Research
GCED 610 Current Issues
GCED 615 Curriculum Systems Design
GCED 620 Assessment and Diagnostics
GCED 625 Instructional Technology
GCED 635 Instructional Methodology
GCED 800 Comprehensive Exam
Post-bac credits (6)
ED 360 Multiple Assessment and strategies for significant disabilities
ED 362 Classroom Approaches for Students Behavioral Autism
Required graduate elective credits (9)
GCSE 617 Diagnosis and Evaluation/High Incidence Disabilities (355)
GCSE 737 Special Education Law and Ethics (412)
GCSE 707 Internship in Special Education (413)
Other Recommended Combined Programs:
M.S. In Special Education (30 required credits) + Special Education Certification* (39 credits total)
Required degree credits (30)
GCED 605 Statistics and Research Design
GCSE 607 Family and Professional Collaboration
GCSE 617 Diagnosis and Evaluation/High Incidence
GCSE 647 Advanced Clinical Applications in ABA
GCSE 667 Advanced Intervention Strategies for Reading Writing and Math
GCSE 687 Teaching Students with Autistic Spectrum and Developmental Disorders
GCSE 727 Methods and Assessment of Life-Span Transition
GCSE 737 Special Education Law and Ethics
GCSE 747 Mental Health Issues in Special
GCED 800 Comprehensive Exam
Post-bac credits (6)
ED 360 Multiple Assessment and strategies for significant disabilities
ED 362 Classroom Approaches for Students Behavioral Autism
Other courses for SPED certification (9)
GCSE 707 Internship in Special Education (or ED 413)
M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology (30 required credits) + Special Education Certification* (45 credits total)
Required degree credits (30)
GCED 605 Statistics and Research
GCED 615 Curriculum Systems Design
GCED 625 Instructional Technology
GCED 635 Instructional Methodology
GCED 660 Adult Learning
GCIT 614 Emerging Technology and Info Technology
GCIT 624 Usability and Assessment for Online Instruction
GCSE 657 Technology Applications for Differentiated Instruction
GCIT 684 Advanced Instructional Design for Online Learning
GCIT 694 Practicum in Instructional Technology
GCED 800 Comprehensive Exam
Post-bac credits (6)
ED 360 Multiple Assessment and strategies for significant disabilities
ED 362 Classroom Approaches for Students Behavioral Autism
Other courses for SPED certification (3)
GCSE 617 Diagnosis and Evaluation/High Incidence Disabilities (or ED 355)
GCSE 737 Special Education Law and Ethics (or ED 412)
GCSE 707 Internship in Special Education (or ED 413)