Education program Exit Criteria
For successful completion of the Saint Vincent College teacher preparation program, which leads to teacher certification in the State of Pennsylvania, candidates must successfully complete the following.
1. ED411 Professional Seminar
Candidates must earn a passing grade in ED411 Professional Seminar, by completing all course requirements in a satisfactory manner, as outlined in the course syllabus.
2. ED410 Student Teaching Practicum
Candidates must satisfactorily complete the fourteen (14) week student teaching practicum under the direction of a certified cooperating teacher and the college supervisor. The college supervisor will complete the PDE 430 form evaluating the student’s performance at both the mid-point and final review. Candidates must earn a minimum score of 4 (satisfactory) on the PDE 430 final evaluation.
3. Electronic Portfolio
Candidates must complete the capstone electronic portfolio, demonstrating proficiency in the following areas: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Proficiency is indicated by earning at least an 80% (B-) on the e-Portfolio before his/her teaching application can be submitted to PDE (SVC Education Department Policy).
4. Licensure Assessments
Candidates must pass the appropriate content specific assessment tests for licensure (Praxis II/Pearson) prior to graduation. For information on licensure assessments click here.
5. TIMS Certification Application
Candidates will apply for teacher certification through the Pennsylvania Department of Education Teacher Management System (TIMS), paying the appropriate fees. For information about TIMS, click here.
6. GPA: 3.0 or Higher
Candidates in Pennsylvania must maintain a 3.0 or above the receive certification in the state of Pennsylvania.
7. SVC Graduation Requirements
Candidates must meet all Saint Vincent College graduation requirements.
8. Exit Interview
At the end of the semester, upon completion of ED 400 and ED 411 requirements the student teacher will set up a time to meet with the Certification Officer for an exit interview. The student teacher will present his or her electronic portfolio and other supporting certification documents during the exit interview. The Certification Officer will also verify the candidate completed the student teaching practicum with a satisfactory rating. Once information is complete and verified, the Certification Officer will submit your TIMS application to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for evaluation. For additional information about the Exit Interview, click here.
9. Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educator
Candidates must submit a signed copy of the Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators, indicating that they read and agree to abide by the laws governing teachers in Pennsylvania.
10. Education Department Exit Survey
Candidates will complete an Exit Survey that asks for their demographic information, future employment status, and their perceptions about the teacher education program at Saint Vincent College. The Exit Survey is typically completed during the Exit Interview.
1. ED411 Professional Seminar
Candidates must earn a passing grade in ED411 Professional Seminar, by completing all course requirements in a satisfactory manner, as outlined in the course syllabus.
2. ED410 Student Teaching Practicum
Candidates must satisfactorily complete the fourteen (14) week student teaching practicum under the direction of a certified cooperating teacher and the college supervisor. The college supervisor will complete the PDE 430 form evaluating the student’s performance at both the mid-point and final review. Candidates must earn a minimum score of 4 (satisfactory) on the PDE 430 final evaluation.
3. Electronic Portfolio
Candidates must complete the capstone electronic portfolio, demonstrating proficiency in the following areas: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Proficiency is indicated by earning at least an 80% (B-) on the e-Portfolio before his/her teaching application can be submitted to PDE (SVC Education Department Policy).
4. Licensure Assessments
Candidates must pass the appropriate content specific assessment tests for licensure (Praxis II/Pearson) prior to graduation. For information on licensure assessments click here.
5. TIMS Certification Application
Candidates will apply for teacher certification through the Pennsylvania Department of Education Teacher Management System (TIMS), paying the appropriate fees. For information about TIMS, click here.
6. GPA: 3.0 or Higher
Candidates in Pennsylvania must maintain a 3.0 or above the receive certification in the state of Pennsylvania.
7. SVC Graduation Requirements
Candidates must meet all Saint Vincent College graduation requirements.
8. Exit Interview
At the end of the semester, upon completion of ED 400 and ED 411 requirements the student teacher will set up a time to meet with the Certification Officer for an exit interview. The student teacher will present his or her electronic portfolio and other supporting certification documents during the exit interview. The Certification Officer will also verify the candidate completed the student teaching practicum with a satisfactory rating. Once information is complete and verified, the Certification Officer will submit your TIMS application to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for evaluation. For additional information about the Exit Interview, click here.
9. Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educator
Candidates must submit a signed copy of the Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators, indicating that they read and agree to abide by the laws governing teachers in Pennsylvania.
10. Education Department Exit Survey
Candidates will complete an Exit Survey that asks for their demographic information, future employment status, and their perceptions about the teacher education program at Saint Vincent College. The Exit Survey is typically completed during the Exit Interview.